I think most of the people know the definition of mass media and its important as well. But there’s an argument over the important and negative impact of mass media.

Before moving to discuss on details let’s trying to rehearse today’s types of mass media and then we will goings-on the importance of mass media to you whether you’re a student, businessman, government officials, academicians, actresses and population at large.


INTERNET: world largest providing a variety of information and communication facilities. Now a days most of the people enquiry information using internet because of its easy way.

social media

TELEVISION: It promotes scientific and cultural curiosity through current affairs, discovery, lifestyle, food shows and children’s programming.


RADIO: listening of audio, music’s and transmitted information through verbally.


MAGAZINE: if you’re interested in reading magazines.




To market their skills, the media plays an important role in reaching out to those who are interested in them.

To reach out to customers who are located far away in order to sell items or services via the internet because they will not go anyplace else to promote what they have. Obtaining information about whatever you want to know or purchasing it, mass media can assist you in making a decision by offering current information.

For example if you take a student

To generate intelligent cognition, the media is used for educational objectives.

Aquire knowledge

For businesspeople to promote what they have and to set themselves apart from their competitors.

Business through internet

For individuals who have a talent

To market their skills, the media plays an important role in reaching out to those who are interested in them.

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